Fremdsprache Englisch


Stadtbücherei Korbach
1. Stock - Fremdsprachliche Literatur
Autor:Atwood, Margaret ; Preston, Douglas
Titel:Fourteen Days
Titelzusatz:a literacy Project of the Authors Guild of America
Verfasserangabe:Margaret Atwood ; Douglas Preston u. a.
Erschienen:New York : Harper Collins Publ. USA, 2024. - 363 Seiten
Einband:fest gebunden
Preis:19,50 Euro
Standort: FOUR FE
Annotation:Set in a Lower East Side tenement in the early days of the COVID-19 lockdowns, Fourteen Days is an irresistibly propulsive collaborative novel from the Authors Guild, with an unusual twist: each character in this diverse, eccentric cast of New York neighbors has been secretly written by a different, major literary voice—from Margaret Atwood and Celeste Ng to Tommy Orange and John Grisham. One week into the COVID-19 shutdown, tenants of a Lower East Side apartment building in Manhattan have begun to gather on the rooftop and tell stories. With each passing night, more and more neighbors gather, bringing chairs and milk crates and overturned pails. Gradually the tenants—some of whom have barely spoken to each other—become real neighbors. In this Decameron-like serial novel, general editors Margaret Atwood and Douglas Preston and a star-studded list of contributors create a beautiful ode to the people who couldn’t escape when the pandemic hit. A dazzling, heartwarming, and ultimately surprising narrative, Fourteen Days reveals how beneath the horrible loss and suffering, some communities managed to become stronger.


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