11 -Schöne Literatur


Stadtbuecherei Traunreut
Autor:French, Nicci
Titel:House of correction
Verfasserangabe:Nicci French
Erschienen:London : Simon & Schuster, 2020. - 513 S.
Preis:9,00 Euro
Standort: Fren
Interessenkreis:Englisch ; englisch
Annotation:She's a murderer. Everyone knows she killed Stuart Rees - why else would his dead body be found in her shed? So now Tabitha is in prison, awaiting trial. Coming back to the remote coastal village where she grew up was a mistake. She didn't fit in then, and she doesn't fit in now. That day is such a blur, she can't remember clearly what happened. There is something she is missing, something important... She only knows one thing. She is not capable of murder. And the only one she can trust to help her out of this situation is herself. So she must fight. Against the odds. For her life.


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