Englische Romane


Stadtbuecherei Penzberg
Autor:Ahern, Cecelia
Titel:The time of my life
Verfasserangabe:Cecelia Ahern
Erschienen:London : Fontana, 2011. - 484 S.
Standort:englisch AHER
Interessenkreis:Bewährte Unterhaltung ; Liebe ; englische Literatur
Annotation:Are you taking your life for granted?

Lucy Silchester is. She’s busied herself with other stuff: friends’ lives, work issues, her deteriorating car, that kind of thing. But she’s stuck in a rut – and deluding everyone. Only Lucy knows the real truth.

Time for a wake-up call – a meeting with life. And life turns out to be a kindly, rather run-down man in an old suit, who is determined to bring about change – and won’t let Lucy off the hook.

Sometimes we all need to make time for our life…


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00934800 englisch AHER 21.06.2019 verfügbar

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