Fremdsprachige Kindermedien


Stadtbuecherei Penzberg
Kammer KiZi
Autor:Butchart, Pamela ; Flintham, Thomas {Illustrator]
Titel:U moju vtschitelku vsjelivsja pribuletz - Baby Aliens haben sich meine Lehrerin geschnappt!
Einheitssachtitel:Baby Aliens got my teacher
Verfasserangabe:Pamela Butchart ; Thomas {Illustrator] Flintham
Erschienen:Kiew : Artbooks, 2021. - 174 Seiten. - scharz-weiß Illustrationen
Standort:Ukrainisch bis 10
Interessenkreis:ukrainisch ; Fantasie ; Außerirdische
Annotation:One day Izzy and her friends are surprised to find that their teacher, Miss Jones, is actually being nice to them. This is the woman who was caught secretly smiling when Maisie Miller fell off her chair. There can only be one conclusion: she's been taken over by aliens, and now she wants to make them all aliens too! From the book: One time I found a crisp shaped EXACTLY like Mrs Cunningham who lives upstairs and when I showed Mum she just said, 'No thanks, you eat it.' I obviously did NOT eat it, I put it in an envelope and carefully posted it through Mrs Cunningham's letter box. Because that's what I would want someone to do if they found a crisp shaped exactly like me (also called a crisp twin).


Mediennr Standort Zugang Status Aktion
01209889 Ukrainisch bis 10 08.12.2022 entliehen
(bis 19.06.2024)

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