Englische Romane


Stadtbuecherei Penzberg
Autor:Pratchett, Terry
Titel:Hogfather : A novel of Discworld
Verfasserangabe:Terry Pratchett
Erschienen:New Ed - o.O. : Corgi Books, 1998. - 352 S.
Preis:8,49 Euro
Standort:Englisch PRAT
Interessenkreis:englisch ; Fantasy
Annotation:Amazon.deWhat could more genuinely embody the spirit of Christmas (or Hogswatch, on the Discworld) than a Terry Pratchett book about the holiday season? Every secular Christmas tradition is included. But as this is the 21st Discworld novel, there are some unusual twists. This year the Auditors, who want people to stop believing in things that aren't real, have hired an assassin to eliminate the Hogfather. (You know him: red robe, white beard, says, "Ho, ho, ho!") Their evil plot will destroy the Discworld unless someone covers for him. So someone does. Well, at least Death tries. He wears the costume and rides the sleigh drawn by four jolly pigs: Gouger, Tusker, Rooter and Snouter. He even comes down chimneys. But as fans of other Pratchett stories about Death know, he takes things literally. He gives children whatever they wish for and appears in person at Crumley's in The Maul. Fans will welcome back Susan, Death of Rats (the Grim Squeaker), Albert and the wizardly faculty of Unseen University and revel in new personalities like Bilious, the "oh god of Hangovers." But you needn't have read Pratchett before to laugh uproariously and think seriously about the meanings of Christmas. --Nona Vero, Amazon.com0


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00772404 Englisch PRAT 12.07.2016 verfügbar

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