Fremdsprachige Kindermedien


Stadtbuecherei Penzberg
Autor:Donaldson, Julia ; Scheffler, Axel [Illustrator]
Titel:Squash and a Squeeze
Verfasserangabe:Julia Donaldson ; Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
Erschienen:Illustrated edition, 2011. - 26 S. - Illustriert
Preis:8,84 Euro
Standort:Bilderbuch DONA
Interessenkreis:englisch ; BIlderbuch ; Papp-Bilderbuch ; Bauernhof ; Tiere
Schlagwort(e):english ; picturebook ; animals ; farm
Annotation:Product Description"Wise old man, won't you help me, please? My house is a squash and squeeze." What can you do if your house is too small? The wise old man knows: bring in a flappy, scratchy, noisy crowd of farmyard animals. When you push them all out again, you'll be amazed at how big your house feels! This brilliantly funny story is the first ever picture book written and illustrated by the award-winning team of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, authors of THE GRUFFALO and it's now available as a board book!0


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00646416 Bilderbuch DONA 25.11.2013 verfügbar

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