
Herzlich Willkommen im WebOPAC der Stadtbücherei Penzberg.
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Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer (0,25 Sek.).
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Bild Beschreibung Standort Medium
Biddulph, Rob
Peanut Jones and the illustrated City
London : Macmillan Children´s Books , 2021 - 378 Seiten ISBN 978-1-5290-7640-0

Superstar, author and illustrator Rob Biddulph dazzles in Peanut Jones and the Illustrated City, the first title in an adventure series for children 8+. Fizzing with magic, danger, friendship and a...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 06.04.2023
ab 10  BIDD

Fremdsprachige Kindermedien

Watson, Kirstie
The witch's cat and the cooking catastrophe
: telltale tots , 2020 - 36 ungezählte Seiten ISBN 978-1-9162549-2-3

“One day, a witch’s cat found a dusty old cookbook, and it gave him the most marvellous idea...” When The Witch's Cat happens across an old 'cookbook', he's keen to have a go at making lunch. But ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 30.06.2023
Englisch  Bilderbuch

Kinder Romane

McCartney, Paul
Hey Grandude!
London : Penguin Books , 2019 : 11,77 EUR ISBN 978-0-241-37565-5

See the compass needle spin - let the magic fun begin! Grandude is a one-of-a-kind adventurer - a Mary Poppins for the modern day! With his magic compass he whisks his four grandkids off on whir...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 13.11.2020

Fremdsprachige Kindermedien

(bis 21.06.2024)


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