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Kwan, Kevin
Crazy Rich Asians: Crazy Rich Asians 1
New York : Ivy Books , 2014 - 0 - 544 S. : 6,09 EUR ISBN 978-0-8041-7158-8

An outrageously funny debut novel about three super-rich, pedigreed Chinese families and the gossip, backbiting, and scheming that occurs when the heir to one of the most massive fortunes in Asia b...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.09.2018
Englisch  KWAN

Englische Romane

Flynn, Gillian
Dark Places
New York : Ivy Books , 2009 - 538 S. ISBN 978-0-8041-3833-8

Libby Day was just seven years old when her older brother massacred her family while she hid in a cupboard. Her evidence helped put him away. Ever since then she has been drifting, surviving for ov...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 21.06.2019
englisch  FLYN

Englische Romane

Flynn, Gillian
Sharp Objects
New York : Ivy Books , 2006 ISBN 978-0-8041-3832-1

When two girls are abducted and killed in Missouri, journalist Camille Preaker is sent back to her home town to report on the crimes. Long-haunted by a childhood tragedy and estranged from her m...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 21.06.2019
englisch  FLYN

Englische Romane


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