Sprachen der Welt

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Hughes, Kathryn
The Letter
London : Headline Publishing Group , 2013 - 394 S.

Tina Craig longs to escape her violent husband. She works all the hours God sends to save up enough money to leave him, also volunteering in a charity shop to avoid her unhappy home. Whilst going t...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 21.06.2019
englisch  HUGH

Englische Romane

Nelson Spielmann, Lori
The Life List
London : Random House Children's Books , 2013 - 331 S. ISBN 978-0-09-958015-7

Brett's Life List 1. Go to Paris 2. Perform live, on a super big stage 3. Have a baby, maybe two 4. Fall in love Brett Bohlinger seems to have it all: a plum job, a spacious loft, an irres...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 21.06.2019
englisch  NELS

Englische Romane


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