16 - Fremdsprachen


Stadtbibliothek Lohr
Autor:O'Flanagan, Sheila
Titel:What Happened That Night
Verfasserangabe:Sheila O'Flanagan
Erschienen:2018. - 506 S.
Preis:9,49 Euro
Annotation:When Lola Fitzpatrick catches the eye of Philip Warren, she's new to Dublin and loving it. He's used to getting what he wants and she can't resist him. Until one night he forces her to make an impossible choice.If she'd known then what she knows now, everything might have been different. Now Lola's daughter Bey has inherited her mother's impulsive streak and it takes her down dangerous paths.Then one night she too finds herself in front of a man she loves, with impossible choices of her own to make.For both women, what happened that night changes everything. For better. For worse. Forever.


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