16 - Fremdsprachen


Stadtbibliothek Lohr
Autor:Deaver, Jeffery
Titel:The Burial Hour: Lincoln Rhyme Book 13
Titelzusatz:Lincoln Rhyme Thrillers, Band 13
Reihe/Zeitschrift:Bd. 13
Verfasserangabe:Jeffery Deaver
Erschienen:2018. - 476 S.
Preis:6,99 Euro
Standort: DEA
Annotation:When a man is snatched from a New York street in broad daylight, the only clue is a miniature noose left on the pavement. By the time criminal forensic scientist Lincoln Rhyme is involved, a video of the missing man is already online, his dying breaths set to a grisly music by someone calling himself The Composer. Rhyme and fellow investigator Amelia Sachs must follow The Composer across the globe as he continues his horrifying creation, kidnapping further victims to add their last breaths to his piece. But with Rhyme and Sachs in a whole new world with its own rules, how can they possibly guess what danger they're in when the music finally stops?


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