16 - Fremdsprachen


Stadtbibliothek Lohr
Autor:Tredget, Luke
Verfasserangabe:Luke Tredget
Erschienen:Chatham, Kent : Faber and Faber Limited, 2019. - 396 S.
Preis:12,50 Euro
Standort: TRE
Annotation:Anna is in love. Or maybe she's not. She's free spirit: definitely happy. Or is it more panicked? In any case, she is living life to the full. Or maybe to the edge. And having a glass of wine. With a big birthday just around the corner, an important new project at work, and a long-term boyfriend, Anna should feel like her life is falling into place. But somehow, she just doesn't feel sure about, well, anything. So she decides to download the dating app Kismet, just as a test, of course. But will she embrace the life she has, or risk everything for the life she imagines?


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00664040 Stadtbibliothek Lohr  TRE verfügbar


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