16 - Fremdsprachen


Stadtbibliothek Lohr
Autor:Isaac, Catherine
Titel:Messy, wonderful us
Verfasserangabe:Catherine Isaac
Erschienen:London : Simon & Schuster, 2020. - 404 p.
Standort: ISA
Annotation:When Allie opens an envelope in her grandmother’s house, it changes everything she knows about her family - and herself. With the truth liable to hurt those she loves most, she hires a private detective to find out what happened to her late mother in the summer before Allie was born. Taking leave from her job as a research scientist, she is led far from home, accompanied by her best friend Ed. But the secrets that emerge go far beyond anything they were expecting. Now, Allie must find the courage to confront her family’s tangled past and reshape her own future.


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00676530 Stadtbibliothek Lohr  ISA verfügbar


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